4 February 2012

Why does our academic format stagnate our knowledge??

India with all its advancements and strenuous people, has become sincerely a very hard working country in all its aspects. The multifaceted nation has longed for many much-improved amenities unabated. Be it polio control, HIV virus control or political agendas like proposing a strong and effective lokpal bill etc. The nation has indeed truly engrossed itself in every possible drudgery to augment its quality. But, like many other stagnated and sub standard genres of the nation, the education system that is rendered today in the country stagnates and lynches the most eminent aspect among students i.e. "knowledge", which can be regarded as generation of ideas. 
Since, the very first day of his class, a child is made to cram whatever is written in the book, irregardless of whether he comprehends the logic behind it or not. He is advertently made to contemplate and know that he needs to score 100/100 in his class test and just after the day of his test, he's made to do the same thing repeatedly due to which the cycle of "killing creativity and generation of ideas" keeps on repeating. Consequently, the child abdicates the very notion and idea of being "different" or "innovative". The aftermath of the conditioned environment rendered to the child during his studies is so egregious that he becomes pusillanimous even towards his own thinking and just keeps himself engaged in the drudgery of scoring "High" in his tests. What even makes this attribute more negative is that this process of consuming info in some form and than spitting it out, doesn't even help in future prospects. 
The prospective students very often find it convoluted to cope up with the cacophony of the arduous work required in organizations. Eventually, their creativity and inventive approach, which got lost and deliberately suppressed in their early days, begin haunting their future prospects. Of course, there have been exceptions such as C.V Raman who won the Nobel Prize while working out in his lab in kolkata and greats like sarvapalli radhakrishan who got recognized globally due to his Indian literature research in the west. But then, those were the persons who never shifted their paradigms of dynamism. Today, we really need a sustainable approach towards the tender and budding careers of many in the nation. 
At present, India accounting for the paramount number of illiterates, is there any other option that we are left with?? Rather than to indoctrinate our people by being pro-active and by grasping that knowledge means "generation of ideas". So let those ideas and notions flow through those tender and young minds seamlessly. 
Who knows, a budding tyro today can turn into a vanguard like Einstein tomorrow. The current education system curbs the growth and development of great minds that the country possesses. In the scuffle of excellence Vs experience, we need to maintain a very stiff and adamant balance between the duos. 
An unequivocal fact is that the past and present scenario of teachers and scholars has also been egregious and repugnant throughout the nation. In various universities and colleges today, the status of the teachers is too nebulous. Very often, the scholars are themselves not present to abide by their obligations. The revolution has to be taken sporadically. Nevertheless, It may seem surreal owing to the whereabouts of the present academic format in our nation but the palpable radical is needed at this stage. 

We can request all the mavens and vanguards in the field of knowledge to raise cognizance about the deteriorating conditions of the vivid minds our nation possesses and quash the baneful conditioning of the youth's innovation and benison. 

Because a child of today will be the Einstein of tomorrow... 

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